
Empower frontline leaders with tech for impactful change.

1 min read


  • Technology has the ability to impact healthcare problems and improve processes.
  • UNC Health leveraged Laudio to create change, improve staff retention, and empower frontline leaders.

One of the key insights from the Co-working with Tech session at the ViVE 2024 conference was UNC Health’s comprehensive strategy for their team, focusing on recruitment to retirement through their 6 pillars strategy. This culture change and commitment to their team started without technology and then used technology to increase impact. Prioritizing and automating frontline leaders’ work helped create large scale change, with a focus on nurses initially to address nurse burnout and staff retention.

Integrating all necessary data in one place and presenting it in a usable fashion were key features of Laudio that helped UNC Health’s frontline managers get a bigger picture of their teams. This approach resulted in a 20% increase in nurse retention rates, 94% of frontline managers experiencing higher capacity, and $5.4 million in annual savings.

Empowering frontline leaders with technology to address real healthcare problems, like UNC Health’s approach, can lead to significant improvements in staff retention and efficiency.

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