
Pope Francis: Let tech uplift humanity.

1 min read


  • Pope Francis addressed members of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Vatican, emphasizing the importance of integrating science and technology in a way that promotes the human being.
  • The pope highlighted the complexity of understanding the distinctiveness of the human being in light of rapid developments in science and technology.
  • Pope Francis encouraged dialogue and cross-disciplinary exchange to address ethical and social questions and promote responsible use of technology.
  • He also spoke about the process of inculturation within the Christian tradition and the need for an intellectual approach that embraces future generations.
  • The Pontifical Academy for Life was established by St. John Paul II to study biomedicine and law related to the defense and promotion of life.

Pope Francis emphasized the need for technological advancements to prioritize the well-being and unique characteristics of the human being. Speaking to members of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Vatican, the pope acknowledged the complexity of understanding human distinctiveness in the context of rapid technological development. He stressed the importance of integrating science and technology into a culture that promotes and respects the unique qualities of the human person. The pope highlighted the role of emotions, desires, and intentions, which only human beings can perceive and appreciate, in fostering positive and beneficial relationships with others. He emphasized that this cultural task requires a responsible exercise of human creativity, aided by the grace of the Creator.

In his speech, Pope Francis commended the Pontifical Academy for Life for its commitment to dialogue and cross-disciplinary exchange. He encouraged each member to offer their own reflections while engaging with others in a mutual exchange of views. The pope praised the synodal method of proceeding employed by the academy, noting that it requires careful attention, freedom of spirit, and a willingness to explore new paths. He situated this approach within the broader context of the Christian tradition, which has historically embraced and reinterpreted meaningful elements from different cultures.

Addressing the pressing anthropological questions of the future, the pope discussed the urgency of thinking about the future of the human species, which he identified as at risk of self-destruction or being overcome. He expressed the need to place the anthropological question at the center of discussions to address its increasing prominence in public debate. The Pontifical Academy for Life, established by St. John Paul II, aims to study issues related to biomedicine, law, and the promotion and defense of life. In recent years, the academy has faced controversy due to some members advocating views inconsistent with traditional Church teaching.

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