
2024: UK fintech investment soars, far from ‘rock bottom’

1 min read

UK fintech capital investment in 2024 is predicted to rebound after a tough year in 2023, according to a report released by Innovate Finance. While 2023 was described by some as a “bloodbath” for fintech startups, the report suggests that the negative effects of this year will lead to a strong M&A market in 2024. However, other participants at the event expressed caution, suggesting that the sector has not yet hit “rock bottom,” and that there may be further layoffs and company closures to come. Despite the challenges, there is still interest from international investors in the UK fintech market, with the country being recognised as a hub of innovation and ideas. Recovery in the industry is expected to vary by sector and stage, with early-stage startups normalising and later-stage fintechs likely to see increased IPO activity.

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